Act 3 quest 3 diablo 2
Act 3 quest 3 diablo 2

act 3 quest 3 diablo 2

However, Mephisto soon started corrupting the High Council of Zakarum, the spiritual rulers of the Zakarum priesthood religion and assigned jailors of the Lord of Hatred. The ancient Horadrim imprisoned Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, beneath the Guardian Tower in the temple city of Travincal. The quest is completed when players transmute Khalim's lost relics into Khalim's Will and use it to smash the Compelling Orb in the Temple of Light in Travincal, opening the way to Mephisto's lair: the Durance of Hate.

act 3 quest 3 diablo 2

It's initiated after players complete The Golden Bird (quest) and talk to Deckard Cain, or when players enter the Great Marsh for the first time. Khalim's Will (Quest) is the third quest of Act III. For items of the same name, see Khalim's Will (item) and The Que-Hegan's Will.

Act 3 quest 3 diablo 2